The Sparks Blog
My guess is you are as sick of this pandemic as I am. I miss my life and plan to reclaim it this summer. Here are some tips for joining me: See your family! I haven’t been able to see my 84-year-old Dad in over a year. Now we’re both fully vaccinated and ready to […]
I have never been as thankful for my emergency fund as I am now. In March, the world as we knew it changed. For some lucky people the pandemic just meant working from home. For me, it meant a complete shut down of my business. Overnight. And right now, we don’t know when that will […]
Hey all you cool cats and kittens! If you haven’t watched the runaway Netflix hit, The Tiger King – get thee to thine television! It’s crazy and fascinating and a quarantine smash! So, what better to learn from then one of the kookiest casts of characters you will ever find? Spoiler alert – if […]
Imagine this – you are in a country where you don’t speak the language. You are there for only a day and have a tour lined up. You exit your hotel and find the sidewalks are disappearing under several inches of water. You rush to a nearby vendor and purchase protective boots to go over […]
You’ll read elsewhere on this site about how biased I can be in thinking I am correct despite all evidence to the contrary. (Ignoring lifelong residents of Venice about the Acqua Alta!) And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. How many times have you told your children something you know to be true […]