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You know that annoying saying “Things always work out for the best?” It’s something motivational speakers like me say from the podium when we’re trying to help people deal with the bad things that happen to them. And a lot of people might think it’s Pollyannaish BS. Well, let me share my recent example. I’m […]

I want to rant about something I saw in USA TODAY. It was one of those little polls they have off to the side of the stories. The question it posed to small business owners was, “Do you feel there is anything you can do to make a difference in whether your business succeeds or […]

Here are some tips for recovering from a lay-off or firing: 1.) Get back out there. So your company was so stupid, they let you go. Fine. Payback is heck. You will find something even better. But here’s the deal – you have to get back out there. Update your resume. If you don’t know […]

Let’s face it – life can be hard. No matter who you are, no matter what your circumstances – bad things can happen to you. Your heart can get broken, a business deal can fall through, or your investments can go up in smoke. (Not that THAT has happened to any of us recently.) You […]

Tips on recovering from a broken heart: 1. Get back out there. You don’t have to date right away, but do things you love and be social. It’s easy to want to just curl up and have a pity party. Be around others and LIVE! 2. Learn from what happened. Here are some of the […]