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I spent last Christmas in Vegas. Well, actually I was in Death Valley for the holiday itself, but the majority of my Yuletide was spent in Las Vegas. I love Las Vegas – what a glittery, tacky, marvelous explosion of excess in the middle of the desert! It’s so over the top, it’s fabulous. And […]

Did you know that in less than 30 seconds people seeing you for the first time are making assumptions about things like your educational level, your trustworthiness, your potential for success, your social standing, and even your sense of humor? Yikes! Guess what the number one reason for rejecting a job applicant is? Personal appearance. […]

Want to build your network? Here are some quick tips: Show up! Attend at least two networking events a month. Make sure the people there are those you need to meet, otherwise you’re wasting time. Example if you want to meet prospects to buy your industrial widgets, attending a garden club meeting doesn’t count. Attend […]

Back in 2005, my little red Celica gave up the ghost. I loved that car, but after 178,000 miles in four years, it was time to get a new vehicle. Since it had been such a great car, I decided to simply get a new one. I walked into the Toyota dealership ready to buy. […]

All of us would like to add new people to our lives – either to expand our circle of friends or to increase our customer base. But most people don’t know how to go about this very well. Here are some tips: • Go where the type of people you want to meet are. This […]